We’ve been doing UX work for many years. This work has resulted in measurable lifts, new surprises, a couple of patents, and a lot of happy users. If you want to learn a little more about our UX work, please check out Essential UX — The Practices and Philosophies of a Life Dedicated to Improving our Experiences and From UI/UX to Patent: A Look Inside the Process.
We offer a UX Audit at a flat fee for companies that need to know where to start. Our qualifications are the 10,000+ hours of practice, the awards and patents we’ve earned—and because we have built nearly two dozen complete product user interfaces and have seen and participated in UI/UX decisions and conversations with scores of businesses. So what happens in a UX Audit?
Fresh Eyes—you only get one chance
We prefer to do all UX Audits with minimal information; we want to come in as fresh and as uninformed as your new users. We continuously check our own bias and note phrases or user flows that may work for your intended users that tripped us up.
We do a video walkthrough and narrate as we go. While this doesn’t always show our best selves, it’s more important to catch our delight and frustration as we go. Once the video is complete—usually 45 minutes to an hour for a website—we go back through and record major findings and note a timestamp log of what we discovered and any quick recommendations that come to mind.
What do you do with a pile of problems?
We offer UX Audits as a service because we’ve seen the positive impact a UX expert can make on everything from websites to digital products to physical location flows. Once you have your audit you can do anything you want with it:
Fix things with your in-house team
Hire another firm to improve your UX
Or, hire us to improve your UX
From a log to action
After the video walkthrough, we take the timestamp log and put it in a shared Google Sheet so we can all access it. We’ll work with you to weight the line items—sometimes we do this by low hanging fruit vs. complicated projects, sometimes we weight it by how much time things will take—we’ll work with you to bring some additional organization to the sheet, so we all know where to start.
From there, we’ll ask you to choose 1-3 initiatives from the log, and we’ll start there. We won’t let you choose more than three because UX projects shift as you learn more and uncover additional needs, but we can continually revise the list to select the next top 3.
Additional Research
When we pick up an initiative, there is often additional research—be that user interviews or reviewing analytics and other data monitoring—before we get into the true fix. Time and time again, we see that a measured and thoughtful approach returns a much higher ROI than a bunch of small changes.
A Contract That Allows for Flexibility
We do most UX work under a Reserved Hourly agreement—it’s a set of hours that you contract for a month, generally in a 3–4-month increments. Structuring the business relationship like this allows us to put all of our efforts into the highest priority project without having to renegotiate a project-based contract or add in change orders.
UX Fine-Tune or Overhaul
A UX Audit is a great way to hone what needs to be fine-tuned or completely overhauled on a project. We offer these audits to provide unparalleled access to a UX practitioner with a decorated track record. Whether you work with us to resolve and improve your UX issues or take your audit and work in-house or with another firm, we’re always pleased to lend our expertise and passion for UX to your project.
Do you want to work with us on a UX Audit or UX project? Let’s talk.
You may also be interested in our resources: Essential UX — The Practices and Philosophies of a Life Dedicated to Improving our Experiences and From UI/UX to Patent: A Look Inside the Process.